Learn to nurture a child’s true Divine expression in physical form – so they flourish in every area of life. 


Hi Beautiful Soul, I’m Alison – a guide for the New Earth Souls and their families.

I assist babies and children with anchoring their light on Earth, by deepening the connection to their body, to nature and the Divine, so they flourish with their gifts.

This is the New Earth way of caring for our future Light-leaders.

A pathway that honors and nurtures a child’s connection to their body as the foundation for everything they do/be/create in this world.

It’s something that babies and children need your support with, especially in these ever-expanding times, so their Light has a solid place to land and ground here.

As a former pediatric occupational therapist and craniosacral therapist, and as a current student of pre and perinatal psychology, and through my clear connection with Mother Mary, I was guided to create these new learning pathways:

Brilliant & Barefoot and Embodied Brilliance.

As a nourishing way for children to be in loving relationship with their physical form, remembering that right here inside their body is their own Heaven on Earth. 

This means they learn to embrace their gifts, while loving the Earth with their feet.

And it also means that more awakened parents, caregivers and guides (i.e. nurturers of Light) like you, can better recognize and support a child’s true expression, while being real, healthy examples of embodiment yourself. 

All so you can remember to focus on the power of Creation and Love, because it’s who every child is and what we all are and why we’re here – IN a physical body.

Discover more by watching my recent interview from the Children of the New Earth online summit, hosted by Devani Freeman of New Earth Families.



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And learn more about our New Earth Pathways for learning right here